Seth Godin Thinks You’re Boring, Too.

Seth says in his blog post today: “If people aren’t discussing your products, your services, your cause, your movement or your career, there’s a reason. The reason is that you’re boring.”

How do you get UN-boring?
Well, if we’re talking Boring Meetings, you need to buy a copy of our book . If it’s something else, the solution is neither as quick, nor as easy, nor as inexpensive as buying a book (even our book.)

Seth says: “You don’t get unboring for free. Remarkable costs time and money and effort, but most of all, remarkable costs a willingness to be wrong.”

Get more of Seth’s sage advice in his interview with Ducttape Marketing guru John Jantsch (he’s never boring.)


Posted by Jon Petz in Boring Meetings Suck.

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