Increase Energy Levels by Putting Your Employees to Sleep

Tired of employees falling asleep in your meetings? The answer to low energy levels could be power naps.

Doctors at UT Southwestern Medical Center say a brief nap could be just the trick for staying alert in the afternoon. A 20-minute bit of shut-eye when you’re at your lowest energy level can give you a boost for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, our culture doesn’t allow for habits like these, but maybe it’s time for a change. Instead of coffee breaks, we could take nap breaks and be more productive.

In one study, pilots working on long flights were allowed a 40-minute nap, while others got no nap. When compared to the flyers who got no sleep, the nappers turned in a 34-percent higher performance level and scored 100 percent better in terms of alertness.

At Yarde Metals, napping rooms are just one of many perks. “We can’t say directly that allowing napping increases sales, but we can say without question that napping contributes to higher sales, earnings, productivity, and efficiency,” says company president Craig Yarde, who notes that the firm has “almost zero turnover.

A nod to for collecting this list of links and a lot more on the subject of nodding-off.


Posted by Jon Petz in Boring Meetings Suck.

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